Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Last Lecture

After reading and watching Randy Pausch's, Last Lecture I thought WOW! Here is this guy who is giving a death sentence but doesn't allow the circumstances of his situation to alter his lifestyle. It made me think of my father and the things he continued to do upon his death. He wasn't a professor and didn't make a video clip for his kids , but like Randy Pausch he lived his life and countined to do the everything he could physically until he couldn't do it anymore. I call not allowing a death sentence to alter ones lifestyle determination. Randy was determined to do this last lecture so when his kids grow up they could create their own memories of him and decide what type a person he was for themselves, instead of by world of mouth. What a wonderful way to "go out", and be rememdered!

1 comment:

  1. many other students had very similar comments -- and were able to connect Pausch's last lecture to experiences with family members who have passed, leaving strong messages or impressions on others. glad that you had that kind of experience with your dad.
