Thursday, March 5, 2009


The article I read in the NY Times was entitled "Customized Embryos, Struggling Hospitals and Questions on Health Reforms". The article was about a fertility doctor named Jeff Steinberg, who in coming months will allow soon to be parents to choose what eye, hair, and skin color they want their child to be. Dr. Steinberg has two fertility offices, one in New York City and the other in Los Angeles where he already allows parents to choose the sex of their baby. After reading this article I asked myself if giving the opportunity would I choose what physically features my child has and as of right now no. One main reason is that when going through this procedure several eggs are taking out and examined to see which would have the greatest odds of giving you what you want, and the ones that has the least odds are destroyed or not use, shall I say. Now what if that child don't come out to look the way they thought it would? Would the child still be loved? Or considered a disappointment! Every parent wants their child to look a certain way, whether they have their dads eyes, moms nose, or grandma's smile, but what about just letting mother nature run it's course? One positive thing about the entire situation is our every growing technology.

1 comment:

  1. really a controversial topic -- but clearly your article suggests that, as a culture, "we" are definitely becoming more accepting of choosing children's traits. those who hold strong spiritual views (about childbirth) might not find this practice as appealing as those who are more scientifically/technologically oriented?
