Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Some time last week I saw on the news the concerns and recall of Hydroxycut. It was reported that the use of Hydroxycut caused a young man to die due to liver damage. After that news report I have not heard anymore reports, and as a result I searched the Internet for more information. The young man who died in 2007 was 19 years old after using Hydroxycut. However, it was not reported to the FDA until March of 2009. As many as 23 negative reports have been made due to use of this product. Hydroxycut is said to believe to cause jaundice, elevated liver enzymes, kidney failure due to muscle damage, and a possible liver transplant just to name a few. 14 products of Hydroxycut have been recalled with the exception of the Hydroxycut Cleanse and Hoodia. These other 14 products contained Ephedra which is illegal in the United States because of the many possible health issues and/damage it can cause. One negative reaction caused by the use of Ephedra is a rapid heart rate which can cause serious damage to anyone if used poorly. Hydroxycut is taken to help loss weight by curbing ones appetite and is said to work if used with consistent exercise and a low calorie diet, however physical fitness doesn't really matter if there is a chance you can have failed health as a result.

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